Paul : You mean, you already know her ? Mystery man : You interpreted it right , Paul. I do know her. It was a long time ago, when I was still a student like you. One day suddenly at midnight my master called me. Paul : You mean master Doro. Mystery man : correct ! He called me and…. [ Mystery man : what happened, master? Is there anything serious that you called me at this hour. Master Doro : Today’s night is not an ordinary one. This starry night is going to decide your faith. Mystery man : master what do you mean by that ? Master Doro : You are ready but still lack experience. I want you to go to the Ferald Road and check if someone’s in trouble. (Thus taking his order he heads to the ferald road) Mystery man : It’s too difficult to understand master these days. There’s not even an insect over here. (At that instant mystery man heard a great sound) Mystery man : Maybe the master was right. I should head there quickly. (mystery man heads tow...