The Place Of Pride

 Anything which is in excess is sure to cause harm may it be good or bad and same thing applies to our qualities so let us today think in deep about the quality of pride. So, I Rahul present you this short story of mine. 

Once in a peaceful town there lived a businessman of a great mind. He was blessed to have a great mind that he made it to the richest man in the whole town. The man then started getting rude to others and started feeling like he's the king of the town and everyone should follow his orders.The people of town were so afraid of the man that not even a single man in town talked to him. 

Time passed like this and within a week the manager of a reputed company came to the businessman and advised him to invest in his company promising him to return double the original amount. The businessman with pride gave him everything he had just to show how rich he was! 

The next day he came to know from the villagers that the man he met the last day turned out to be a thief. When a wise man came to know the matter he approached the businessman and said, " you see water it takes a great time to touch the sky in the form of a cloud but never knows that once it touches the sky it can fall down again in the form of water but this time very rapidly. Same happened with you, your efforts took you to the height of success but once you touched the sky of pride you fell down with double the speed. "

The wise man's words were enough to make the businessman realize his mistake.

....Stay tuned for more such stories, Follow if you like my stories........ 


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