
Showing posts from February, 2023


Once upon a time, there was a wise old sage who lived in a small village. People from far and wide would come to him to seek his advice, for he was known for his wisdom and insight. One day, a young man came to the sage with a problem. He was feeling lost and uncertain about his life and didn't know what to do. The sage listened patiently and then told the young man a story. The sage said, "There was a man who had a garden. In this garden, he had two kinds of trees - one that bore sweet and juicy fruits and the other that bore sour and bitter fruits. One day, the man decided to taste the fruits of both trees to see which one was better. He tasted the sweet fruit and was pleased with its flavor, but then he tasted the bitter fruit and was disappointed. However, the man soon realized that the bitter fruit was actually essential for the sweet fruit to grow. The bitter fruit provided the nutrients that the sweet fruit needed to grow and flourish. Without the bitter fruit, the swee